
What We Do

We give old pianos a new life

Whatever your piano-needs are, we are here for you. If you are pondering on whether to buy that old piano of the turn of the century, or the family piano if sounding a little bit off, we can make it better!

Some of the services that we provide for pianos:

  • Purchase advice
  • Tuning
  • Regulation
  • Shellac polishing
  • Rebuilding
  • Major or minor repairs
  • Diagnosis

and much more! Just contact us for an estimate.

What We Do

The best for your vintage electro-mechanical instrument

You finally got your hands on a vintage Fender Rhodes? Or you just bought that Hohner Clavinet you’ve been eyeing on eBay for a while? You might want to bring it to the workshop before plugging it in for the first time!

Some of the services that we provide for electro-mechanical instruments:

  • Purchase advice
  • Modifications
  • Re-capping
  • Regulation
  • Safety features
  • Major or minor repairs
  • Diagnosis
  • Case work
  • Tuning

and much more! Simply tell us what your interest is.

What We Do

Radically new: custom instruments

You’ve seen it all, and heard it all. You don’t want to only innovate in your music, but want to innovate in timbre. Let me help you bring a new instrument to the world. It doesn’t matter what your idea is, you and I can make it happen!

The philosophy of our Custom Instruments:

Sound is my passion, as well as building instruments. I love creating something new.

If you have a vision or an idea, you and I can bring it to fruition and create a new music instrument to captivate your ears and your listeners. It doesn’t matter if you are an avant-garde music composer or a passionate music enthusiast!

Send a message and you will get the best advice and service to build your instrument.